Monthly Archives: May 2013

Career Benefits of Starting A Club Golf Team

Starting a club golf team is not only fun but can improve your candidacy for jobs in the future.  Many of the jobs I explored asked for “Previous work or leadership experience required” or skills such as, “Leadership, time management, organization, hard-working, team management, innovative and a self-starter.”   Read more

College Golf Fitness for Summer 2013

As students across the country hand in their final papers and exams, an exciting new chapter of golf and relaxation (although perhaps not for those who have an intensive summer internship or laborious job) begins. With a little extra free time and the beaches awaiting us, it's finally time to unveil the NextGenGolf Fitness Section...
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Will Reverse Overlap Grip Take Over College Golf?

Is the reverse overlap grip the new fad? How long before it breaks into the college golf scene?

Lately I’ve noticed that a lot of tour players have switched their putting grips to the reverse overlap grip; and I mean A LOT.  Not just any tour players, however, but the best of them--including Phil...

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