What type of golf towel user are you?

Are you the kind of golfer with the never-been-washed ugly towel? Or the pristine never used towel? Maybe a large caddy towel that might as well be used at the beach is more your style? Have you ever tried the right sized, versatile towel which is great for all needs?

NCCGA teams have been gearing up for the fall season by getting custom PlayKleen logo golf towels. Josh Rinear shared his thoughts as the Club President of the University of Dayton club golf team:

We ordered the PlayKleen Proline towels and put our logo on both ends. The light material is really convenient while carrying a bag on your back and is still tough enough to use when I need it," Josh said.

Ready to order?

"Pdayton playkleen college golf towel nextgengolflayKleen Towels were easily one of the best purchases the team has ever made. Ordering was simple, the design was nice, and the towel itself is one of the best you can buy especially for only $16," said Josh. "I highly recommend them to all golfers, with or without a team.

The towel was a huge hit at the Spring 2015 NCCGA National Championship as well, as each player received a custom towel with the event logo in their gift bags. If you are interested in learning more about these custom towels for yourself or the team, reach out to Matt Weinberger via e-mail at matt@nccga.org or by phone at anytime 513-277-9992.

**Matt Weinberger is the NCCGA Commissioner, Director of team sales, and proud alum of the University of Dayton club golf team