Texas A&M Golfer Breaks 80 with Broken Appendix

The scorecard Nick Pierce posted at last weekend's Texas Regional , 77-79 good for 6th place, does not do his round justice.  Nick had surgery after the round on Monday to remove his appendix that was about to burst.  I had the chance to ask Nick a few questions about how he fought through the Sunday pain. 

Any signs of pain on Saturday?

Saturday was fine. I shot a 77 and felt pretty good even after the round. That next Sunday morning I felt a little bit of pain in my stomach and figured it was just some bad food that I had.

Tell us how you fought through the Sunday round?

Sunday was a battle. It wasn't so bad that it prevented me from teeing off, however it got progressively worse throughout the round and about 5-6 holes in I felt like I had to throw up. It was tough having my dad watching me and telling him that I thought I had to stop.

What kept you going out there? 


Nick Pierce is a Junior at Texas A&M Majoring in Finance

I knew I was in contention and wanted to stay out there for my team. Unfortunately I made a handful of bogeys coming in because it was really hard for me to make a full swing at any point on the back 9.

Tell us about the 15th hole?

It was playing about 170 yards and I somehow managed to hit my tee shot to 4 feet, run over to the bushes to throw up before I got to the green, and managed to make the birdie put.

What happened after the round?

I called my mom when I was back in Houston and went to the ER at 7PM at College Station on Sunday night. A CT SCAN came back at midnight and I learned that I did have to have by appendix removed and would need surgery. Thankfully the surgery went well and I got it taken care of as it was going to burst in 24 after it was removed so.

Just another day in the life of a NCCGA club golfer. To Nick's credit, he was worried about 3 big tests coming up the next week. Hopefully his Professors gave him a pass.

**Interview performed by Mike Belkin. You can reach Nick on Twitter @piercenick5