Mobile Launch Monitors from Rapsodo

Available exclusively to Nextgengolf, NCCGA, and City Tour golfers

Instant data measurements and shot trace visualizations with a Rapsodo Mobile Launch Monitor!

Rapsodo mobile launch monitors bring in a new wave of golf technology that you can take with you anywhere! You can now work on your game like never before with professional accuracy for shot distance, ball speed, club speed, launch angle, launch direction and shot shape. Nextgengolf community members receive an exclusive discount of $75 off their MLM using the code "nextgengolf" when purchasing on the Rapsodo website.

Review your shots and improve your game with video on each shot you take and an active tracer to track your shot shape. Share videos with your friends when you bomb a drive or pinpoint an iron.

With groundbreaking features like GPS maps, to show your shot scatter on the range, and interactive games, the Mobile Launch Monitor will transform how you play golf.

Are you someone who is passionate about golf technology? Rapsodo and Nextgengolf have teamed up to identify golfers interested in growing the Rapsodo brand in your community. Learn more and apply for the Rapsodo Ambassador Program, here.

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Nextgengolf Team Sales