Summer 2019 Chicago City Tour Tournament

Winning Teams
Tin Cup
Best Ball Format
Arnie Palmies
Scramble Format
Winning Pairs
Colton Duwe & Judson Bro
Best Ball Format
cjweikart@... & Lachlan Barker
Scramble Format

Tournament Report

The City Tour hosted our 5th golf tournament of the season in Chicago at ThunderHawk Golf Course on Aug 4, 2019. Team Tin Cup won the Best Ball division with a combined score of 143. Team Arnie Palmies won the Scramble division with a combined score of 134. Colton Duwe & Judson Bro were the top pair in the Best Ball division with a pair total of 69. cjweikart@... & Lachlan Barker were the top pair in the Scramble division with a pair total of 66. The low individual score was recorded by Colin Stelljes shooting a score of 70. Closest to the pin contests were won by Mike Toomey (#6) and Kelly Vantine (#17). Lachlan Barker (#11) took home the long drive prize too!
Course Info
ThunderHawk Golf Course
39700 N Lewis Ave
Beach Park, IL - 60099-3372