I will never play a perfect round of golf in my lifetime.
The same is true for everyone. That kinda sucks to hear, doesn't it?
No matter how many trips I make to the golf course... No matter how many balls I hit on the driving range... No matter how many hours I put in on the putting green... Perfection will never be obtained. But that's what makes golf the greatest sport in the world!
#GOLFIS the ultimate personal challenge. The next time I go out to the course, I'll try to beat what I shot the previous time. And of course, there's always the lingering goal of beating my own personal record. But I'll never be perfect. There will always be room for improvement.
I think that's what I enjoy about the game the most - the thrill of competing against myself. Don't get me wrong, I love playing against (and hopefully beating) other golfers, but there's nothing more satisfying than saying you beat yourself!
Thus, for me, #GOLFIS:
1. A challenge. Setting goals for a round and doing everything I can to reach those goals!
2. A getaway. The rush of real life becoming too much? A quick escape to the golf course can help get a lot off someone's mind.
3. A social experience. It's easy to find out who someone really is after you've played a round of golf with them.
4. A life-long game. I'll be on the course hitting balls until I can't stand up any more.
5. The best. You can try to persuade me all you want, you'll never convince me there's a greater game than golf.
By: Kevin Fitzpatrick
Twitter: @KFitzy87
Instagram: kfitzy87